Software Engineering Blog

Tips for Giving and Receiving Effective Feedback

As software engineers, we are constantly working on improving our skills and delivering high-quality code. However, this can be challenging without feedback, which helps us understand our strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement, and stay motivated to learn and grow. Feedback is also essential for building trust, strengthening relationships, and fostering a positive team culture. In this article, we will explore the importance of feedback in software engineering and provide tips for giving and receiving feedback effectively.

The Importance of IT Postmortems: Lessons Learned for Improving System Reliability

In the world of IT, maintaining the reliability of systems and services is critical. When issues arise, it’s important to quickly identify the root cause and take action to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. One of the most important practices for achieving this is conducting postmortems, which are retrospective analyses of significant incidents or outages that occur within a system or service. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of postmortems in IT, and the lessons we can learn from them.

Storing Configuration Data in Kubernetes: Best Practices and Tools

Kubernetes (k8s) is a powerful container orchestration platform that can help you manage your applications at scale. But as you deploy more and more applications on Kubernetes, you’ll need to manage their configuration data too. In this article, we’ll explore the best practices and tools for storing configuration data in Kubernetes. ConfigMaps: Storing Key-Value Pairs and Configuration Files One of the simplest ways to store configuration data in Kubernetes is to use ConfigMaps.

Multi-Container Pods: Why They're a Powerful Tool in Kubernetes Deployments

Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration platform that offers several ways to deploy multiple containers within a single Pod. These “multi-container pods” offer a powerful tool for designing complex and scalable applications, enabling containers to share resources and work together seamlessly. In this article, we’ll explore why multi-container pods are a powerful tool in Kubernetes deployments and how they can benefit your application architecture. Benefits of Multi-Container Pods Multi-container pods offer several benefits for application architecture in Kubernetes.

What is Protobuf and Why Should You Care?

Protobuf (short for Protocol Buffers) is a binary serialization format developed by Google. It’s designed to be a more efficient and flexible alternative to traditional text-based data interchange formats like XML and JSON. So why should you care about Protobuf? Well, if you work with network communications or any kind of data-intensive application, you know how important performance and efficiency are. And Protobuf delivers on both fronts - it can reduce the size of serialized data by up to 10 times compared to text-based formats, and it’s highly efficient at both serialization and deserialization.

Understanding and Using API Gateways for Microservices

In today’s world of complex software systems, microservices have become a popular architecture style for building large-scale applications. Microservices allow developers to break down monolithic applications into smaller, self-contained services, making it easier to manage and maintain the system. However, as the number of services increases, so does the complexity of managing them. This is where API gateways come into play. What is an API Gateway? An API gateway is a server that acts as an entry point for all requests from external clients to the microservices.