Software Engineering Blog

What Is mTLS and Why You Should Care

Are you concerned about the security of your online transactions? With the increasing number of cyber attacks happening nowadays, it’s important to take extra measures to protect your sensitive data. One of the methods that businesses and organizations use to secure their online communication is through mutual Transport Layer Security or mTLS. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what mTLS is, how it works, and why it’s important to implement it.

How to Fix dquote> in zsh

The command line interface has been a critical tool for developers and power users for decades, providing quick and direct access to system resources and applications. On macOS, the Zsh shell has become increasingly popular as a powerful alternative to the default Bash shell, offering advanced features such as customizable prompts, file globbing, and enhanced auto-completion. However, with great power comes the potential for great frustration, and many users have encountered issues with double quotes (dquote>) in their shell scripts.

gRPC: High-Performance Microservices Communication Made Easy

Microservices are an increasingly popular way of building applications, allowing developers to create loosely coupled services that can be scaled independently. However, communication between microservices can be a challenge, particularly in high-performance applications. This is where gRPC comes in – a modern, efficient framework for microservices communication. Introduction to gRPC gRPC is an open-source framework developed by Google for building high-performance microservices. It uses Protocol Buffers, a language-agnostic binary serialization format, to define the API for communication between services.

How to Search in Git History

To search through Git history, you can use the git log command with different options depending on what you’re looking for. Here are some examples: Search for a specific commit message: git log --grep="commit message" Replace “commit message” with the text you’re searching for. Search for commits by author: git log --author="author name" Replace “author name” with the name of the author you’re searching for. Search for commits by date range: git log --after="yyyy-mm-dd" --before="yyyy-mm-dd" Replace “yyyy-mm-dd” with the start and end dates of the range you’re searching for.

Resolving Git Conflicts with CLI

Git is a powerful version control system that enables developers to collaborate on projects and manage changes to the codebase. When multiple developers work on the same file and make conflicting changes, Git creates a conflict that needs to be resolved. Resolving conflicts is an important part of the Git workflow and ensures that the codebase remains consistent and functional. Reproduce the Git Conflict First things first, let’s reproduce the conflict.

Architecture Decision Records (ADRs) - An Essential Tool for Managing Software Architecture

In the world of software development, agile methodologies have gained popularity for their flexibility and ability to respond to changing requirements. However, this flexibility can create challenges when it comes to managing the architecture of an agile project. Unlike traditional waterfall development, where architecture is typically defined upfront, agile development requires a more dynamic approach to architecture. This means that architecture decisions will not all be made at once, and that decisions may need to be revisited and revised as the project progresses.