Software Engineering Blog

The Transaction Outbox Pattern: Reliably Sending Messages from Database Transactions

Sending messages from database transactions is a common requirement in distributed systems, but it can be challenging to do so in a reliable and scalable way. The Transaction Outbox Pattern is a design pattern that addresses this challenge by using a transactional outbox to store messages that need to be sent. In this article, we will explore the Transaction Outbox Pattern, its advantages, limitations, and how it works in practice.

Building and Deploying Serverless Functions with AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is a powerful service that allows you to run your code without provisioning or managing servers. It’s a serverless computing platform that provides automatic scaling, high availability, and pay-per-use pricing. With AWS Lambda, you can build and deploy serverless functions quickly and easily. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of building and deploying a Python-based serverless function using AWS Lambda. Prerequisites Before you get started, you’ll need to have the following prerequisites:

How to Remote Debug a Java Application with IntelliJ IDEA using SSH Tunneling

Debugging a Java application is a crucial process for software engineers to identify and fix issues in their code. However, there are times when debugging an application locally is not possible, and we need to connect to a remote application to debug it. In such cases, it can be challenging to debug the Java code on a remote host due to network restrictions that prevent a direct connection. Fortunately, IntelliJ IDEA can help you remotely debug your Java code over an SSH tunnel.

Circuit Breaker: The Superhero of Microservices

Microservices-based systems are designed to be highly distributed, which means they are more resilient to failure than monolithic systems. However, the increased complexity of microservices architectures also introduces new challenges, such as service outages and cascading failures. The power of the Circuit Breaker Pattern The Circuit Breaker Pattern is a powerful technique used to build resilient microservices-based systems. It’s a software component that monitors the interactions between services and prevents cascading failures by detecting when a service is unavailable or slow to respond.

Understanding TLS for Secure Internet Communication

As software engineers, we know how crucial it is to develop applications that prioritize security. Our applications deal with sensitive data, and we need to ensure that communication over the internet is secure. That’s where TLS comes in. Ensuring Security in Software Development Security is a critical aspect of software development. As developers, we need to be proactive in our approach towards securing applications. TLS (Transport Layer Security) is a protocol that ensures secure communication over the internet by encrypting the data being transmitted between two endpoints and verifying their identity.

Logging in Production Systems: Keeping an Eye on Your App

When developing applications for production systems, logging is often overlooked until it’s too late. However, logging is a crucial aspect of any production system, as it helps identify and troubleshoot issues that may arise. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of logging in production systems and best practices to implement. Why is logging important? Logging provides visibility into what’s happening within the application and the system it’s running on. It allows developers and system administrators to monitor and diagnose issues such as errors, performance degradation, and security breaches.