Software Engineering Blog

Kubernetes Deployment vs StatefulSet: What's the Difference?

Deployment and StatefulSet are two of the most popular and powerful features of Kubernetes. While they have similar goals of managing the lifecycle of a containerized application, they are very different in how they go about it. In this article, we’ll take a look at the differences between Deployment and StatefulSet and when you should use one over the other. At the highest level, a Deployment is used to create and manage a set of identical, independent, and replaceable copies of a pod.

How to Install pip3: An Essential Tool for Software Engineering

As a software engineer, you’re likely familiar with the importance of having the right tools for the job. This is especially true when it comes to managing and installing packages in Python. One of the most important tools for software engineers working with Python is pip3, a package manager for installing, upgrading, configuring and removing Python packages. In this article, we’ll discuss what pip3 is and why it’s essential for software engineering, as well as walk through how to install and configure the pip3 package manager.

Understanding and using Virtual Environments in Python

When it comes to developing software, it’s important to be able to test and debug your code without affecting the rest of your system. Virtual environments are a great way to do this, and they’re becoming increasingly popular among software engineers. A virtual environment is a way to create an isolated environment in which you can test and debug your code without it affecting the rest of your system. It’s a great way to make sure that your code is running properly and that it won’t cause any negative side effects.

A Quick Guide to Setting Up Halyard Completion in ZSH

Today, I’m going to show you how to set up Halyard completion for ZSH. If you’re not familiar with Halyard, it’s the configuration management tool for Spinnaker, a continuous delivery platform. And if you’re not familiar with ZSH, it’s a shell that is commonly used by developers to automate various tasks and provide a more convenient and interactive environment for working with the command line. So, why would you want to set up Halyard completion for ZSH?

Exploring Kubernetes: Understanding Pods, Services, and Deployments

Today we’re going to dive into the world of Kubernetes and learn about three of its key components: pods, services, and deployments. Kubernetes is a powerful open-source platform for managing and automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It’s quickly become one of the most popular and widely used tools for managing microservices, which are self-contained, independently deployable units of code. Let’s start by understanding what pods are in Kubernetes.

The simplest guide to scheduling posts for your Hugo blog

Have you ever wanted to schedule your Hugo blog posts in advance? To make sure that your readers get them at the exact time you planned? If so, you’re in luck. I had the same problem, and I found a great solution that works like a charm. It’s a combination of a few different tools, but the most important one is PR Scheduler. PR Scheduler is an extension for GitHub that makes it possible to schedule pull requests.