
How to Install pip3: An Essential Tool for Software Engineering

As a software engineer, you’re likely familiar with the importance of having the right tools for the job. This is especially true when it comes to managing and installing packages in Python. One of the most important tools for software engineers working with Python is pip3, a package manager for installing, upgrading, configuring and removing Python packages. In this article, we’ll discuss what pip3 is and why it’s essential for software engineering, as well as walk through how to install and configure the pip3 package manager.

What is pip3?

pip3 is a command-line utility for installing, upgrading, configuring and removing Python packages. It is the most popular package manager for Python, and it’s essential for software engineers who need to quickly and easily install, upgrade, configure and remove Python packages. It also makes it easier to share packages with other developers. pip3 is also useful for managing dependencies, which helps to ensure that the software you are building is stable and robust. Finally, pip3 makes it easier to install Python packages from the Python Package Index (PyPI) and other sources.

How to Install pip3

The easiest way to install pip3 is through your operating system’s package manager. On macOS, use Homebrew; on Linux, use apt-get; and on Windows, use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

# MacOS
$ brew install python3

# Ubuntu/Debian-based
$ apt install python3-pip

Once you have installed pip3, you can use it to install packages from the Python Package Index (PyPI) and other sources. To install a package from PyPI, use the command:

$ pip3 install <package name>

You can also use pip3 to install packages from other sources. To do this, you will need to provide the URL for the source. For example, if you wanted to install a package from GitHub, you would use the command:

$ pip3 install git+<username>/<repository>

How to Set Up pip3 Completion for Zsh and Bash

pip3 also supports command line completion for Zsh and Bash. To enable this feature for Zsh, you will need to add the following line to your ~/.zshrc file:

 source <(pip completion -z)

For Bash the like is almost the same, but you have to add it into your ~/.bashrc file:

source <(pip completion -b)

Once you have added this line to your ~/.*rc files, you will be able to use pip3 completion in your Zsh and Bash shells.


pip3 is an essential tool for software engineering. It makes it easy to install, upgrade, configure and remove Python packages quickly and easily. It also makes it easier to share packages with other developers, and helps to ensure that the software you are building is stable and robust. In this article, we’ve discussed what pip3 is and why it’s essential for software engineering, as well as walked through how to install and configure the pip3 package manager. We’ve also discussed how to set up pip3 completion for Zsh. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to more effectively manage your Python packages.