
A Quick Guide to Setting Up Halyard Completion in ZSH


Today, I’m going to show you how to set up Halyard completion for ZSH. If you’re not familiar with Halyard, it’s the configuration management tool for Spinnaker, a continuous delivery platform. And if you’re not familiar with ZSH, it’s a shell that is commonly used by developers to automate various tasks and provide a more convenient and interactive environment for working with the command line.

So, why would you want to set up Halyard completion for ZSH? Well, once you have it set up, you’ll be able to use the tab key to automatically complete Halyard commands and options as you type them. This can save you a lot of time and help reduce typos, making your work with Halyard much more efficient.

So, how do you set it up? It’s actually quite simple! Here are the steps:

  1. Make sure ZSH is installed on your system.
  2. Open your ~/.zshrc file in a text editor and add the following line to the end of the file: source <(hal --print-bash-completion)
  3. Save the file and close the text editor.
  4. Reload your terminal session by closing and reopening the terminal or by running the command source ~/.zshrc

That’s it! Now, every time you start a new terminal session and type a Halyard command, you’ll be able to use the tab key to complete it. This can save you a lot of time and make your work with Halyard much more efficient.

One thing to keep in mind is that Halyard completion for ZSH uses the completion script for Bash, which is compatible with ZSH. So, even though the script is generated for Bash, it will work just fine in ZSH.

In conclusion, setting up Halyard completion for ZSH is a quick and easy process that can greatly improve your productivity when working with the Halyard tool. If you’re not already using ZSH, I highly recommend giving it a try. And if you’re already using ZSH, I hope this article has helped you set up Halyard completion for it. Happy coding!