
Simplify Your Terraform Version Management with Terraform Switcher

You know that managing multiple versions of Terraform can be a real pain. Manually installing and uninstalling different versions of Terraform to match different projects can take up precious time and brainpower. Fortunately, there’s a solution: Terraform Switcher.

Installation with brew

For Mac users who have Homebrew installed, getting started with Terraform Switcher is easy as pie. Just enter the following command into your terminal:

brew install warrensbox/tap/tfswitch

How Terraform Switcher can be useful

Let’s say you’re a software engineer working on two different projects. Project A requires Terraform version 0.12, while Project B requires Terraform version 0.14. Without Terraform Switcher, you would have to manually install and uninstall each version of Terraform every time you switch between projects. This can be a hassle, especially if you frequently switch back and forth between projects.

With Terraform Switcher, you can easily switch between Terraform versions with just one command. To switch to version 0.12 for Project A, you can simply run:

tfswitch 0.12

And to switch to version 0.14 for Project B, you can run:

tfswitch 0.14

Terraform Switcher will automatically download and install the requested version of Terraform if it’s not already installed on your machine. This saves you the time and effort of manually downloading and installing each version of Terraform.

In addition, you can set a default version of Terraform to be used when you don’t specify a version when running the tfswitch command. For example, if you set version 0.14 as your default version, running tfswitch without a version number will switch to version 0.14. You can set the default version by running:

tfswitch --default 0.14


  1. User-friendly installation:
    Terraform Switcher can be easily installed on your machine with Homebrew on macOS.
  2. Multiple version management:
    Install and manage multiple versions of Terraform side-by-side on your machine with Terraform Switcher.
  3. Simple version switching:
    Switch between different versions of Terraform with a straightforward command-line interface. Just run the tfswitch command followed by the version number you want to switch to.
  4. Automatic version downloading:
    Terraform Switcher will automatically download and install the requested version of Terraform if it’s not already installed on your machine.
  5. Customizable default version:
    Set a default version of Terraform to be used when you don’t specify a version when running the tfswitch command.
  6. List installed versions:
    Use the tfswitch --list command to see all the versions of Terraform currently installed on your machine.
  7. Terraform Switcher is an easy-to-use command-line tool that simplifies Terraform version management. With Terraform Switcher, you can switch between different versions of Terraform seamlessly without having to manually install and uninstall different versions. This is particularly useful for software engineers working on multiple projects that require different versions of Terraform.

In conclusion

Terraform Switcher is a valuable tool that can save you time and energy when managing Terraform versions. Its simple installation process and user-friendly interface make it the perfect choice for busy software engineers who want to streamline their development environment and get back to what they do best: writing code.