
Streamlining Your Terraform Workflow with Atlantis

Are you tired of manually managing Terraform infrastructure code changes and collaborating with team members? Look no further than Atlantis! This open-source tool can help you automate your workflow and make managing Terraform code changes a breeze.

What is Atlantis?

Atlantis is a tool that automates the workflow for collaborating on Terraform infrastructure code. It integrates with version control systems like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket to provide a streamlined workflow for managing changes to infrastructure code.

How does Atlantis work?

When a developer makes a change to Terraform code and creates a pull request, Atlantis automatically generates a plan for that change. The plan is then reviewed by other team members who can approve or reject the change. Once approved, Atlantis applies the changes to the infrastructure. This ensures that changes to the infrastructure are consistent and are reviewed by other team members before being applied.

Atlantis also provides a way to automate common Terraform tasks, such as formatting code and running validation checks. This ensures that all Terraform code follows a consistent style and meets the organization’s standards.

How can Atlantis benefit your team?

By using Atlantis, your team can streamline the Terraform workflow, reducing the time it takes to review and apply changes to infrastructure. Atlantis also ensures that all changes to infrastructure are reviewed by other team members, reducing the risk of errors and misconfigurations.

For example, let’s say your team is responsible for managing a Kubernetes cluster in the cloud. When a developer needs to make a change to the cluster, they create a pull request in the Git repository. Atlantis automatically generates a plan for the changes, and other team members can review the plan to ensure it meets the organization’s standards. Once approved, Atlantis applies the changes to the Kubernetes cluster. This ensures that all changes to the cluster are reviewed and approved by other team members, reducing the risk of misconfigurations and errors.


Atlantis is an essential tool for teams managing infrastructure with Terraform. It provides a streamlined workflow for managing changes to infrastructure code and ensures that all changes are reviewed by other team members before being applied. By using Atlantis, teams can reduce the time it takes to review and apply changes to infrastructure, reducing the risk of errors and misconfigurations. Try it out today and streamline your Terraform workflow!