Software Engineering Blog

Domain-Driven Design (DDD) Made Simple: The Basics

As software development continues to evolve, so do the methodologies and practices used by developers to build high-quality software. One of these practices gaining popularity in recent years is Domain-Driven Design (DDD). DDD is an approach that allows developers to focus on the core domain of a software system, making it easier to build software that aligns with business requirements. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of DDD and how it can improve the software development process.

Docker for Devs: Streamlining Development and Deployment

As a developer, you’ve probably heard of Docker and may have even tried using it. But do you really know what it is, and why it’s become such a popular tool in the software development world? In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into Docker and explore how it can help streamline your development and deployment processes. What is Docker and why should you use it? Docker is a platform for building, shipping, and running applications in containers.

Trunk-Based Development: The Simple Approach to Faster, More Reliable Code

The Problem with Traditional Branching Traditional branching has been a staple in the software development industry for years. However, it can be time-consuming, prone to errors, and lead to delays in getting feedback from customers. With multiple branches in development at any given time, it’s difficult to keep track of which version of the code is the most up-to-date. Plus, merging branches can often result in conflicts that can be hard to resolve.

Managing Classpath Clashes in Gradle: Tips and Tools

When you’re working on a java project, one of the most common issues you might encounter is classpath clashes. Classpath clashes occur when multiple libraries bring in different versions of the same class or when two different classes have the same fully-qualified name. These clashes can lead to runtime errors, unexpected behavior, or even crashes. In this article, we’ll discuss some tips and tools for detecting and preventing classpath clashes in your Gradle projects, as well as some third-party plugins that can help simplify the process.

How to Connect via SSH without Typing Passwords

To connect to a remote server using SSH without entering a password every time, you can set up SSH keys authentication. Here’s how you can do it: Generate an SSH key pair on your local machine using the following command: ssh-keygen -t rsa When prompted for a passphrase, you can leave it blank or enter a passphrase to secure your key. Copy the public key to the remote server using the following command:

Dependency Management in Gradle: API vs Implementation

In Gradle, there are two types of dependencies that you can declare for your project: API dependencies and implementation dependencies. The main difference between these two types of dependencies is how they are exposed to other modules that depend on your project. API vs Implementation API dependencies are dependencies that are part of your project’s public API. They are exposed to other modules that depend on your project, which means that they can be used by those modules in their code.