
A Beginner's Guide to Line Numbers in Vim

If you’re new to Vim, you might be wondering how to enable line numbers in the editor. In this article, I’ll cover how to turn on line numbers in Vim, as well as how to use them to navigate and edit your code more efficiently. I’ll also discuss the benefits of using relative line numbers and how to enable both absolute and relative line numbers.

Enabling and Disabling Line Numbers in Vim

To enable line numbers in Vim, open your file in Vim and use the command :set number. This will display the line numbers on the left side of the screen, starting from line 1 at the top of the file. To turn off line numbers, use the command :set nonumber.

Using Line Numbers to Navigate and Edit Code

With line numbers enabled in Vim, you can jump to a specific line in your code by using the command :n, where n is the line number you want to jump to. For example, to jump to line 50, you would type :50 and hit Enter. You can also jump to a relative line by using a combination of the relative line number and the j and k commands. For example, to jump to the line 5 lines above the current line, you would type 5k.

You can also use line numbers to move lines of code around in your file. To move a line to a different location in the file, you can use the :m command, where m is the line number you want to move the line to. For example, to move the current line to line 10, you would type :m10.

Enabling and Disabling Relative Line Numbers in Vim

Relative line numbering in Vim can be very helpful. With relative line numbers, you can quickly see the distance between the current line and other lines in the file. This can be useful for understanding the structure and flow of your code, and for jumping to lines that are a certain number of lines away from the current line.

To enable relative line numbering in Vim, use the command :set relativenumber. This will display the line numbers of other lines relative to the current line. To turn off relative line numbering, use the command :set norelativenumber.

Combining Absolute and Relative Line Numbers in Vim

You can combine absolute and relative line numbers in Vim by using the command :set number relativenumber. This will display both the absolute line numbers and the line numbers of other lines relative to the current line. This can be helpful for quickly jumping to a specific line while still having the context of the other lines around it.

Why Are Line Numbers Helpful?

Line numbers are helpful in Vim for several reasons. They can help you navigate to a specific line in your code quickly, move lines of code around more easily, and get a quick understanding of the differences between lines. Relative line numbers can also be useful for quickly understanding the structure of your code and jumping to lines that are a certain number of lines away from the current line.

Making Line Numbers Enabled by Default

If you’d like to have line numbers enabled by default in Vim, you can add the following commands to your ~/.vimrc file:

:set number
:set relativenumber

This will ensure that line numbers are always displayed when you open a file in Vim.


In conclusion, line numbers are a useful feature in Vim that can help you work with code more efficiently. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, line numbers are a feature that’s worth taking advantage of. By enabling line numbers and using them to navigate and edit your code