
Securely Accessing and Managing Kubernetes Clusters with Teleport

Kubernetes has become the standard for container orchestration and management, allowing developers to easily deploy and manage complex distributed applications. However, managing Kubernetes clusters can be challenging, especially when it comes to securely accessing and managing them. In this article, I’ll show you how Teleport can be used to securely access and manage Kubernetes clusters.

What is Teleport

Teleport is a command-line tool and interactive shell used for securely accessing and managing remote servers and clusters. It provides a secure gateway to your servers and Kubernetes clusters, allowing you to manage them using the same familiar tools you use on your local machine. Teleport also provides session recording, auditing, and role-based access control to ensure that access to servers and clusters is restricted only to authorized users.

Using Teleport for Kubernetes

Teleport can act as a gateway for accessing Kubernetes clusters, allowing users to securely connect to the cluster and perform administrative tasks. Teleport provides audit logging and access control, ensuring that only authorized users can access the cluster and that all actions are logged for auditing purposes.

To use Teleport for accessing and managing Kubernetes clusters, follow these steps:

  1. First, you need to install and configure Teleport on your local machine and the remote servers where your Kubernetes cluster is deployed. You can refer to the Teleport documentation for instructions on how to install and configure Teleport.

  2. Next, you need to log in to Teleport using the tsh login command. This command will authenticate you with the Teleport cluster and create a secure connection to the Teleport proxy.

    tsh login --proxy=<proxy_address>

    Replace <proxy_address> with the address of your Teleport proxy server.

  3. After logging in, you can list the available clusters by running the tsh clusters command. This will show you a list of all the clusters that are registered with Teleport.

    tsh clusters
  4. To log in to a specific Kubernetes cluster, use the tsh kube login command. This command will authenticate you with the Kubernetes API server and create a kubectl context for the cluster.

    tsh kube login <cluster_name>

    Replace <cluster_name> with the name of the Kubernetes cluster you want to log in to.

  5. Once you are logged in to the Kubernetes cluster, you can use kubectl commands to manage your Kubernetes resources as usual.

    kubectl get pods kubectl describe deployment my-app

    Note that all kubectl commands will be executed through Teleport, which provides secure and auditable access to the Kubernetes API server.


Teleport is a powerful tool for securely accessing and managing remote servers and clusters, including Kubernetes clusters. By using Teleport, you can ensure that access to your Kubernetes clusters is restricted only to authorized users and that all actions are logged and auditable. This can help you meet regulatory compliance requirements and protect your organization from security breaches. So if you’re looking for a secure and easy way to manage your Kubernetes clusters, give Teleport a try!