
Scaling Redis: Understanding Shards and Partitions

Redis is a popular open-source in-memory database that is widely used in modern applications. As your application grows, you may need to scale your Redis database to handle increasing amounts of data and requests. In this article, we will explore the two techniques for scaling Redis databases: sharding and partitioning. We will discuss the differences between them and provide guidance on how to choose the right technique for your use case.


Sharding is a technique for horizontal scaling of Redis databases. In sharding, the data is partitioned into multiple independent Redis instances, called shards. Each shard is responsible for a subset of the overall data set and is managed independently. This allows for distributed processing of data across multiple nodes, which enables horizontal scaling of the database.

To illustrate, let’s consider an e-commerce website that uses Redis to store product information. As the website grows, the amount of product data also grows, and a single Redis instance may not be sufficient to handle the load. In this case, sharding can be used to distribute the product data across multiple Redis instances. Each Redis instance can store a subset of the product data, and the website can send requests to the appropriate Redis instance based on the product ID.

Code Example

To implement sharding in Redis, you can use the Redis Cluster feature, which provides a way to automatically partition data across multiple Redis instances. Here’s an example of how to create a Redis Cluster with three nodes:

redis-cli --cluster create <node1>:<port> <node2>:<port> <node3>:<port> --cluster-replicas 1


Partitioning is a technique for vertical scaling of Redis databases. In partitioning, the data is divided within a single Redis instance into multiple partitions. Each partition is a separate data set that can be managed independently, enabling parallel processing of data within a single Redis instance. This allows for vertical scaling of the database by utilizing multiple CPU cores within a single server.

To continue with our e-commerce example, suppose that the website needs to handle a high volume of requests for product data. In this case, partitioning can be used to split the product data into multiple partitions, and each partition can be processed in parallel by a separate CPU core. This can improve the overall performance of the Redis instance.

Code Example

To implement partitioning in Redis, you can use the Redis Cluster feature, which allows you to create multiple databases within a single Redis instance. Here’s an example of how to create two databases in a single Redis instance:

SELECT 0   // select database 0
SET key1 value1
SELECT 1   // select database 1
SET key2 value2

Choosing the Right Technique

When choosing between sharding and partitioning, it’s important to consider the size of your data set, the expected growth rate of the data, and the resources available to you. Sharding is typically used for larger data sets and higher request rates, while partitioning is better suited for smaller data sets and higher processing requirements.
This means that you can combine both of these approaches: use sharding to split your huge dataset into smaller parts, and then set up partitioning for each shard.

In addition, Redis provides tools such as Redis Sentinel and Redis Cluster to help manage sharding and partitioning, as well as provide high availability and fault tolerance.


Scaling your Redis database is an important step in ensuring that your application can handle increasing amounts of data and requests. Sharding and partitioning are two techniques for scaling Redis databases that can be used in different scenarios. By understanding the differences between them and considering your specific use case, you can choose the right technique to scale your Redis database and ensure that your application can continue to grow and perform.